Сотрудники ФИЦ РАН провели мастер-класс по наземной робототехнике в Военной акад...
The Laboratory of Autonomous Robotic Systems of St. Petersburg SPC RAS was established in 2015 by employees of the Laboratory of Speech and Multimodal interfaces, formed in 1984, and the Laboratory of Information Technologies in Management and Robotics, operating from 1975 to 2014.
We are engaged in the development of mathematical and hardware software for autonomous robotic systems, including methods of group interaction, supervisory control, articulated mechanisms and topological robotics, kinematics of movement of humanoid robots and prototypes of onboard specialized computers.
Ученые СПб ФИЦ РАН выделили из донных отложений озер соединения, повышающие урожа...